Sydney Florist


Please call us on 9416 2572 or place an order through the website

Sweet Violets florists have served our local areas of Turramurra, Pymble, Wahroonga, Hornsby, Lindfield, Killara, Roseville, Chatswood, Gordon and St. Ives, as well as all other surrounding areas in the North Shore and Sydney for over 25 years. Over that time we have earned an enviable reputation as a florist that delivers the freshest and best quality flowers available in Sydney.

Why should the Sweet Violets florist shop be your first choice for flowers and gifts for every day and for special occasions?

  • Sweet Violets really is your local high street florist, we have a shop in Turramurra where we make all our flower arrangements to order, we truly are local (not just a web site masquerading as local)
  • Youcan come and visit Sweet Violets florist and experience the sight and fragrance of our flower stands
  • Alternatively order your flowers on our website or on the phone and you can be sure we will take great care to deliver lovely fresh flowers in the same way as if you visited our flower shop
  • Our experienced florists create each flower arrangement to order, producing stylish and classy flower posies, bouquets and arrangements
  • We carry a wide range of the freshest flowers making the most of the lovely local seasonal flowers as well as high quality exotic and imported varieties.
  • We take great pride in the quality of our roses (all our Premium single stem roses are de-thorned and wired before use) and we carry a wide range of colours including white, ivory, soft and hot pink, apricot, orange, mauve and of course red!
  • For more good reasons to use Sweet Violets read Why Sweet Violets?


So, why not come in and visit our friendly florists in our flower shop, call us on 9449 8615 or order our beautiful flowers on our secure online order page at and let us take care of the delivery for you too!

Flowers Plants Weddings
flowers plants weddings

2022 North Shore Fresh Flowers | online flower shop | florist North Shore Servicing Turramurra Wahroonga Warrawee North Turramurra St Ives South Turramurra West Pymble Pymble Chatswood Willoughby Roseville Lindfield Killara Gordon Pymble St Ives And all suburbs of Sydney